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How can we view raw data and not aggregate every minute in Dynatrace?


We are integrating data from K6 into Dynatrace using metric API -
K6 is ingesting 6 data points for a minute - but dynatrace is aggregating the data across those 6 data points but they are looking to see how can we not aggregate the data for a minute in Dynatrace 

Below table shows they sent 10 data points for a metric

data:{"time":"2023-09-08T10:38:13.2067109-05:00" value 67.38
data:{"time":"2023-09-08T10:38:23.0113171-05:00" value 69.66
data:{"time":"2023-09-08T10:38:33.0136266-05:00" value 63.24
data:{"time":"2023-09-08T10:38:43.0240259-05:00" value 63.24
data:{"time":"2023-09-08T10:38:53.0269623-05:00" value 61.76
data:{"time":"2023-09-08T10:39:03.032395-05:00" value 59.2205
data:{"time":"2023-09-08T10:39:13.0439243-05:00" value 60.5196
data:{"time":"2023-09-08T10:39:23.0481963-05:00" value 63.354
data:{"time":"2023-09-08T10:39:33.0678128-05:00" value 77.1408
data:{"time":"2023-09-08T10:39:43.0538723-05:00" value 59.6212


But Dynatrace data for every minute, so there is a mismatch in calculation in Dynatrace compared to K6


Test Time 10:38 - 10:43      
Metric Name K6 Metrics Dynatrace Metrics api/v2/metrics/ingest data Resolution 5 Mins
Average 64.51 65.1 64.51409 64.5
Minimum 59.22 61.8 59.2205 59.2
Median 63.24 65.1 63.23985 64.5
Max 77.14 77.1 77.1408 77.1
90th % 70.41 65.1 70.40637 64.5
95% 73.77 65.1 73.773585



They could use Max, but they are interested in seeing 90th and 95th percentile metrics which is huge difference compared the metrics from K6 calculation


Please provide suggestions


DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Dynatrace metrics have the lowest granularity of 1 minute regardless of the ingestion type.  You can use the max / min aggregations as you have already mentioned.

What is your source of the metric data? Maybe you can capture the relevant metrics using different means (tracing) and calculate the metrics based on captured trace data. 

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

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