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Oneagent not show up on "OneAgent deployment" page



      I have the problem about after install OneAgent, they not show up on "OneAgent deployment" page although status on Openshift is running and not have any error on them. However the Active gate is visible with no problem. Have anyone face this problem ?



Thank you,



DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hi @Neo,

just want to check a couple of things, are you filtering with the correct management zone, is it installed during the last 3 days, are you able to see the hosts from the Hosts page from the left side menu?

if all of the above are fine, then you need to check the logs for more details if it's already up and running as you mentioned

Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services Delivery - Observability & CloudOps | Dynatrace Partner -


         I've checked it already. I checked on correct management zone. There not any OneAgent display on Host page. We just installed it yesterday I've check on the last 3 day it also not display.

         Could you please advise how can I get the log of the Dynatrace ?


Thank you,


Thank you,


Thanks, @Kasipneo, I can see from the below screenshot that the pods are running, so you can check the full logs from the machine itself under

if you need help with the log you can share it and try to remove any sensitive data, in case you will not be able to share the logs here, you can open a support ticket and attach the logs or use in-product assistance (Dynatrace chat) to chat directly with Dynatrace product specialists

Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services Delivery - Observability & CloudOps | Dynatrace Partner -

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hi @Neo, to add to @Mohamed_Hamdy's questions and suggestions, is this a clean, fresh, and 1st time installation, or was the agent loaded before?

Any chance that someone disabled monitoring for the host in question? You can check by going to Settings -> Monitoring overview -> Hosts tab. Does the host show up there?

It could also be due to reaching your licensing quota, in which case you'd likely see it there too.


        This is the second time we attemp to install OneAgent. The 1st time we have the problem about the Active gate cannot installed so we roll back and uninstall OnAgent and Active gate. This time we success to install them all on OpenShift but OneAgent not show up to the Dynatrace Management.

          I checked on Host tab already. It doesn't show up there as well.

          Also, I checked about the license qouta. It not reaching the quota.



DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

You mention the OpenShift cluster status is fine, so I am assuming you did installed using the Dynatrace Operator.

If this is true, can you check the oneagent pods status on your dynatrace namespace?

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl


        I've checked it already. OneAgent pod is not have the problem.



Thank you,


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