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Rename Legend in Chart, Graph


Hello together


Have any of you already mastered a similar situation:
I need to build dashboards for an internal client. Therefore the customer wants to use a different legend in the graphic than suggested by Dynatrace (for example, make names more understandable). Is this possible?


Have a good one!



DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

Hi, @urs_fischer ,


Yes, it can be done!


If you're using Data Explorer to make your graphs, you just have to head over to the grey box on the right-side of the screen, which contains the configs for the metric you're charting.

There you just have to click the little "pencil" icon:





After clicking, you write your desired legend, hit enter on your keyboard and that's it!


For example, on that example, I was charting "CPU usage %".

But I could want to change it to "urs_fischer custom legend":



Hope this helps! 🙂

Best regards, Pedro Deodato


Well, see your approach, with this i can do some changes, but not all i have to 😉


I can change the Metric Name (here JVM heap pool memory) but i can not change the Rest of it after the "|" . I know this Name comes from the Process Group Name, but is it possible to change that too or do i have to rename the whole Process Groups just because of that?


Oh, I see... that could be a bit trickier 😄


As far as I know, it is not possible to create aliases for each entity in a metric query result...

I assume it isn't possible at all out-of-the-box.


However, I believe there is a workaround that could suit your needs, if the set of aliases is of a manageable size!

You could create a Data Explorer metric filtered by each desired entity, and change the legend (like I showed on the previous comment) for each one.

It could be really tedious work if you have a lot of entities to chart, but it is doable.


In this example, I'm again charting CPU usage.

This time, twice: one for each filtered host.

Then, I apply the alias method I showed earlier and achieve something closely related to what I think you're looking for:








Again: it is a workaround, but it is there 🙂

Best regards, Pedro Deodato


@PedroDeodato Yeah, could work for some cases (i saw this is limited from A-E per default). Sadly i have some Graphs with more than 5.... but yes it is a Workaround 👍 

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