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Tracing MQ based transaction processing


The system I am working on uses MQ as the interface for internal as well as external system integration. The same request goes through multiple queues and is processed by different internal as well as external applications. I would like to be able to trace the request end-to-end. There is a message id in the payload that uniquely identifies the request. Is it possible to extract the message id from the payload and add it to the request name or trace id?


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


You can try to use request attributes. You can track HTTP headers in request and response.

If you are using Grail, you have also Business Events. Allowing you track content in payload's body.

When you have that tracked, you can configure a request naming rule.

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

@AntonPineiro We are not using web requests. Therefore, I don't think I can use request attributes. What do you mean by "if you are using Grail"? Thanks.


Grail -> 

Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

If you are using SaaS then Grail would be the best option at this point.

Have a nice day!

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Why don't the mq auto tracing capabilities within messages enough for this? In that case you can just add another request attribute frim the application side and not necessarily from the payload 

I do not have control on some of the participating applications. Can you expand what you mean by MQ auto tracing capabilities? 

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

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