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What are the practical advantages of creating custom API detection rules?


Hi Dynatrace community members,

from practical point of view:

  1. what are the advantages of creating custom API detection rules?
  2. when to create custom API detection rules?



DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Typical usage is in service diagnostics - method hotspots, CPU profiling or also in the code level tab. One can quicky identify particular libraries or components your application is using. 

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Thanks @Julius_Loman for your inputs.

Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader

Modern applications often utilize various frameworks, leading to lengthy stacktraces in method hotspots and exceptions.
APIs help quickly identify the component and its ownership responsible for a hotspot or performance degradation.
API detection rules analyze a stacktrace frame and classify it based on classes (Java, .NET, PHP) or files (Node.js, PHP, GO), depending on the technology.

These rules are executed sequentially, with the first match determining the API. By marking APIs as third-party, you can concentrate on non-third-party APIs.

Thanks @PacoPorro,  I'm aware of it.
I mean is there extended level of such feature utilization.

Kindly let me know if you exposed a specific scenario.

A common scenario is identifying the code generated by external subcontractors. (If a correct nomenclature has been defined in the classes)

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