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What is the recommended way of adding HostGroup while connecting One Agent


Is there a recommended way of adding HostGroups while connecting OneAgent.

Which one would be better in terms of Process detection. process group creation etc.

1. Environment (Production or NonProduction)

2. Environment-System (Production-Ecommerce or NonProduction-Ecommerce)

I feel option #2 would be easier for administrative tasks but I wanted to know if it would affect how process groups are identified and can we still see the flow within the systems. (For example, Ecommerce -> Loyalty)

We are planning to have both Prod and Non-Prod servers in the same tenant.



Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

The second option is normally what I would recommend for customers as it helps describe the entity and you can use regexs for easy tagging. Just remember you need to do Host Groups at agent install

Edit: to answer your question yes you can still see the flow provided they are within the same management zone, you may create multiples 1 for all prod server and another for all prod ecomm servers

Thanks Kyle.

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

I go a bit further and recommend something like:


And I recommend putting only hosts that perform the same function (as a cluster) in the same host group.

This way you can push OneAgent updates or update Anomaly detection for the group with confidence, and it facilitates getting correct Process Groups.

You will have more Host Groups using this technique, but I think it's worth it.



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