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Dynatrace Leader
Dynatrace Leader


Self Service Summary


Description of HTTP Monitor Error codes and suggestions for troubleshooting them


Issue Solution Tasks Alternative(s)
HTTP Monitor execution fails Resolve root cause Confirm Error code
Complete troubleshooting actions
Open chat or support ticket


Where to find HTTP Monitor Error/ Health Status Codes 


HTTP Monitor executions do not always end in success. As well as the HTTP response codes that a request can return, there are also several Dynatrace error codes. 

A summary of the HTTP Monitor error codes for a period can be seen in the HTTP Monitor details> Failed Requests card


You can, also, find the error code for the most recent failed, successful and on-demand executions in Analyze last failed execution. You can filter the JSON to just show the error. In the JSON the error code is called HealthStatusCode and the error description is HealthStatus. 



Error/Health Status Codes and Suggested Actions



Health Status Code


Error Description/ Health Status

Suggested Actions





SSL Communication error

Check vuc-http-execution.log for more info


DNS query timeout

Check vuc-http-execution.log for more info


Unknown Host

Check nslookup from the AG.


Unexpected Error

Check vuc-http-execution.log & vuc-http.log for more info


Redirects not allowed



Invalid Code

Status Code validation failed
Check Monitor> Settings>HTTP Requests> Request> Response Status Code Verification setting


Script execution failed

Check vuc-http-execution.log for more info


Script Fail

Check vuc-http-execution.log for more info


Http Monitor Execution Timeout

Use Adapt Request Timeout to increase up to 60s. HTTP Monitor Advanced settings preview can be used increase monitor timeout


Too many redirects

Maximum number of redirects for synthetic monitors is 10.  When a monitor reaches 11 redirects, the monitor fails with this error. 
Reach out to your application team to find out why there are so many redirects and reduce them. 


Connection timeout

Test connection using curl from AG
Is proxy needed?
If a public location, is this endpoint available? Do the public location IP addresses need to be whitelisted by the application?


Connection Refused

Does this endpoint require specific headers to be added?
Private location: Test connection using curl from the ActiveGate. Is a proxy needed? 
Public location: is this endpoint available? Do the public location IP addresses need to be whitelisted by the application?


Constraint Violated value

Response validation failed.
Check Monitor> Settings>HTTP Requests> Request> Set rule for response validation setting


Unknown Method Error

Check vuc-http-execution.log & vuc-http.log for more info.
This occurs when a method is called in the pre-/ post- execution script that the monitor is unaware of. These are usually from 3rd party libraries. For these situations, you will need to add the code for the function into the script. Like these examples here and here


SSL Expiry warning



Request Timeout

Test connection using curl from AG

Is proxy needed?
If a public location, is this endpoint available? Do the public location IP addresses need to be whitelisted by the application?


Forbidden Url Error

IP resolves to localhost which, due to security reasons, is not allowed


Where to find HTTP Monitor Logs

You can either download the support archive or check directly on for HTTP Monitor logs on a Private location. You can find where to check here


What next?

Open a chat or contact support if 

  • you need to check the logs for an HTTP Monitor running on a public location, or
  • the issue is still not resolved after taking the above actions
Version history
Last update:
‎11 Feb 2025 09:00 AM
Updated by:
DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

Thanks for sharing this out @HannahM 

DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

@HannahM  This is awesome, can this information be posted on the public documentation site? The table you created is so informative. We were just having problem #7 and we found this post while troubleshooting.  So valuable.

Dynatrace Organizer
Dynatrace Organizer

@HannahM Very Informative!