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Calculating the number of metric dimension values in metric event


I need to monitor the failure rate of a web service by a request attribute called "usecase." For this, I created a custom counter metric using the AppMetrics package and defined a Metric Event with the following selector:

(custom_counter.count:filter(and(eq("","prod"), not(eq(status_code,"200")), not(eq(status_code,"503")))):splitBy(usecase):value /
custom_counter.count:filter(eq("","prod")):splitBy(usecase):value * 100):setUnit(Percent):sort(value(auto,descending)):limit(7)

Here, I calculate the ratio of unsuccessful requests over the total number of requests per use case and return the top 7 use cases with the highest failure rate.

The metric event shows a warning:

The number of metric dimension values in the last 24 hours (4922) exceeds the limit of 1000. Please refine the filter criteria or use a metric key based query definition.

My question is: How is the number 4922 calculated?

When I call the api/v2/metrics/query endpoint with the same selector, timeframe of 24h, and resolution of 1m, I receive a response with 7 use cases, each having 1440 dimension values. The total number is 10080.

I would like to understand the formula for calculating the total number of dimension values per metric event so that I can adjust the metric selector to meet the limit.


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