04 Feb 2025 11:24 AM
Is it possible to create dashboards and raise alerts for UnitaryTransactions? My need is that I should be able to track time taken by Indvidual transactions and raise the alerts accordingly but I am not sure Dynatrace can do it UnitaryTransaction level or it's just done at the highest level, that is FileProcessing in this case.
Below graph plots the relation between FileProcessing and UnitaryTransactions.
FileProcessing (traceId: root-trace-id-123, spanId: root-span-id-456)
├── UnitaryTransaction1 (spanId: child-span-id-789, parentSpanId: root-span-id-456)
│ ├── MicroserviceA (spanId: microserviceA-span-id-001, parentSpanId: child-span-id-789)
│ ├── MicroserviceB (spanId: microserviceB-span-id-002, parentSpanId: child-span-id-789)
│ └── MicroserviceC (spanId: microserviceC-span-id-003, parentSpanId: child-span-id-789)
├── UnitaryTransaction2 (spanId: child-span-id-101, parentSpanId: root-span-id-456)
│ ├── MicroserviceA (spanId: microserviceA-span-id-004, parentSpanId: child-span-id-101)
│ ├── MicroserviceB (spanId: microserviceB-span-id-005, parentSpanId: child-span-id-101)
│ └── MicroserviceC (spanId: microserviceC-span-id-006, parentSpanId: child-span-id-101)
└── UnitaryTransaction3 (spanId: child-span-id-112, parentSpanId: root-span-id-456)
├── MicroserviceA (spanId: microserviceA-span-id-007, parentSpanId: child-span-id-112)
├── MicroserviceB (spanId: microserviceB-span-id-008, parentSpanId: child-span-id-112)
└── MicroserviceC (spanId: microserviceC-span-id-009, parentSpanId: child-span-id-112)