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CNCF Platform as a Product Survey - Dec 2024 - Asking Dynatrace Community For Help!

Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

Dear Dynatrace Community

Some of you may know me from my years of being a DevRel / Evangelist / DevOps Activist for Dynatrace.

Besides being an Advocate for Dynatrace I am also a CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) Ambassador where I focus on building bridges between the observability and the cloud native community. One of the topics I have been involved in over the past years is "Platform Engineering". Platform Engineering promotes a self-service capabilities to improve development efficiency and increase quality and resiliency of software delivery.

The CNCF has a special working group that focus on how Platform Engineering can be applied to modern cloud native stacks. The group has just put out a new survey to learn more from organizations that are building internal platforms with a product mindset. 

If you are going down the path of building internal platforms to enable self-service for your engineering organizations to reduce toil and duplicated work then the CNCF community would be happy to get your insights. 

Read more about the survey as well as the existing Platform Engineering Maturity Model on the CNCF Blog:

Thanks in advance

Andi (Andreas) Grabner


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