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Generate and update the notebook or dashboard and send it as a report

Community Team
Community Team

Is a workflow able to generate and update a notebook or dashboard and send it as a report on a schedule?

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Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Automation Workflows can be used to generate and update notebooks or dashboards via document store SDKs and APIs. The links to those can be sent as part of a report.  

Creating status artifacts (e.g. picture or pdf) is currently not supported. 


@michaelwinkler Can you send a guide on how to create and update notebooks via API in a workflow? 

Observability Engineer at FreedomPay


Using the document SDK in a typescript workflow action is the easiest. 

Would you mind sharing some more information about your use case and what you are trying to achieve?

Thank you,



Sure. We're currently setup with alert profiles and notification profiles through PagerDuty via custom API integration. We'd like to have some workflows with specific problem triggers (probably just for our tier 1 applications) that would run queries against the entity(ies) impacted by the problem, and then generate a notebook with those results (along with some other, possibly templated information). As a final step, we'd like to have the workflow reach out to the PagerDuty API to update the related incident with the link to the notebook. 

Basically, we want to try to reduce MTTR by having initial queries for problem related data run automatically and a notebook generated to capture it all. This would include custom metric and log data that may not already be included in the Davis AI problem analysis. Having a notebook with queries and data ready to go would provide a great starting point for PlatOps troubleshooting and analysis since they're already running similar queries manually today.

Observability Engineer at FreedomPay


It could potentially be more convenient to have a dedicated notebook and/or dashboard for said Davis problems and Tier 1 applications, which is accessed and run on demand (instead of building it every time a problem occurs).

The workflow could look like the following:

- Davis Problem trigger (filtering on specific problems and applications)

- sending a slack/teams message to the corresponding team with the link to the notebook/dashboard

- informing Pagerduty

btw: We just recently released "Pagerduty for Workflows" which includes six different workflow actions to easily integrate with Pagerduty. 


That would work, although we want to make sure we preserve the notebook for later use. If we do what you suggested, we'd be overwriting the notebook every time the problem trigger initiated.

Observability Engineer at FreedomPay

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