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How to use Davis AI model for SLO


so we have an application which process transaction, i.e somehwere from 100messages pers to 1000 msgs per sec, this number can wary depending on day/time of the day, and we use DAViS for Anomoly detection based on seasonal pattern, which identifies for potential problems if it thinks transaction are less as compared to Historical day and time, is there a way I can use that for SLO computation.


Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are gaining a lot of traction amongst DevOps and SRE Teams as they are used to hold them accountable when deploying and operating applications and services. The true potential of SLOs is however not harnessed when just using them in production to report on whether ...
Dynatrace provides an "As Code" approach to defining SLIs (Service Level Indicators) as well as SLOs (Service Level Objectives). This enables organizations to streamline and scale the adoption of SLOs as scale as it can be embedded into the software development lifecycle. In this Observability ...
Dynatrace provides an "As Code" approach to defining SLIs (Service Level Indicators) as well as SLOs (Service Level Objectives). This enables organizations to streamline and scale the adoption of SLOs as scale as it can be embedded into the software development lifecycle. In this Observability ...
Service Level Objectives (SLOs) are gaining a lot of traction amongst DevOps and SRE Teams as they are used to hold them accountable when deploying and operating applications and services. The true potential of SLOs is however not harnessed when just using them in production to report on whether ...

Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

Hey @rishisingh1210 

Since Peter already provided some publicly available material on that topic, I wanted to reach out to you, too.

First, it should be possible, but I need more details to confirm.
- Are you on managed/SaaS classic or the latest Dynatrace SaaS platform (using Grail)?
- can you share the metric that is used for anomaly detection?

- What's your goal for using an SLO on the process transactions? Do you expect a certain minimum amount aggregated over, e.g., one week? In other words, how would you like to interpret the SLOs? What information do you want to extract from the SLO value?

I'm just asking this because maybe leveraging other functionalities, such as the Site Reliability Guardian, would be beneficial here as well.




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