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Is it Possible to Automatically Export and Send Reports from Notebooks or Dashboards in Dynatrace?

Frequent Guest

Good afternoon,
I am writing to ask about about of a need we are currently facing.

We have created a notebook (and a dashboard) with forecasting data from several applications using DQL statements and Davis AI forecasting. Everything is working as expected, but we need to create a report and send it by email on a regular basis for capacity management purposes. I would like to enquire as to whether it is possible to export the content of the aforementioned notebooks or dashboards and have them sent automatically by email, using either workflows or another mechanism such as the Dynatrace API.

I have been examining the available workflows and applications in the Dynatrace Hub, but I have been unable to locate the required functionality. While I can see that it is possible to export the information from the notebooks to PDF using the print option, we require a more automatic mechanism for this process.


Thanks a lot for your time



Dear Victor,

you can achieve that by using workflow functionality. It allows you to execute your DQL and send email. In your notebook DQL section choose open with -> Workflows or just open workflow application


Best Regards




Agree with @michal_lewi here. Just setup a Workflow to run all the queries from your Notebook and send via email. You may need to add the email for workflows step from the Hub.

Observability Engineer at FreedomPay

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