13 Jan 2025 10:14 PM
Hello community,
I'm trying to deploy a problem notification (email integration) configuration using Monaco, but can't figure out what the correct syntax is for the "recipients" (a list of emails) in the .json file.
When trying to deploy, I get this output:
Deployment failed - Dynatrace API rejected HTTP request / JSON data: HTTP send request https://{environmentid}.live.dynatrace.com/api/v2/settings/objects failed after 15 retries: (HTTP 400) (HTTP 400): [{"code":400,"error":{"code":400,"message":"Validation failed for 1 Validators.","constraintViolations":[{"path":"builtin:problem.notifications/0/emailNotification/recipients/0","message":"Given property 'recipients/0' with value: 'email1@mail.com','email2@mail.com','email3@mail.com' violates the following constraint: Email address is not Valid.","parameterLocation":"PAYLOAD_BODY","location":null}]},"invalidValue":{"alertingProfile":"XXXXXXXXXXXXX","displayName":"XXXXXX","emailNotification":{"bccRecipients":[],"body":"{ProblemDetailsHTML}","ccRecipients":[],"notifyClosedProblems":true,"recipients":["email1@mail.com','email2@mail.com','email3@mail.com"],"subject":"{State} Problem {ProblemID}: {ImpactedEntity}"},"enabled":true,"type":"EMAIL"}}]
The environment variable I have saved and try to load into the .json looks like this
"email1@mail.com", "email2@mail.com", "email3@mail.com"
but I can't figure out how to format it properly for the .json file.
Here is my problem-notif-id.json:
"enabled": true,
"type": "EMAIL",
"displayName": "{{.name}}",
"alertingProfile": "{{.alertingProfileId}}",
"emailNotification": {
"recipients": [
"subject": "{State} Problem {ProblemID}: {ImpactedEntity}",
"notifyClosedProblems": true,
"body": "{ProblemDetailsHTML}"
I've tried looking through the community, documentation, and the "Configuration as Code Samples" on GitHub with no luck:
Thanks for the help,