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SLO: Assigning Different Score Weights Based on Response Time

Good afternoon, community,

I would like to create an SLO based on response time with a graded scoring system rather than a binary approach. Specifically, the logic should function as follows:

  • Response Time > 700ms: Score = 0
  • Response Time between 700ms and 500ms: Score = 0.8
  • Response Time < 500ms: Score = 1 (100%)

Is it possible to implement this logic in a SLO?

Thank you in advance for your guidance.

Best regards,



Similar way of thinking but not exactly this.
Assign different weight within the same service SLO would be the goal:

For example:
Within the same service you define one performance SLO, and within that you assign different weights.
X% of the request below 500 milliseconds (ms). --> w =1 (success)

X% of the request between 500 and 700 milliseconds (ms). --> w =0.8 (mild success)

X% of the request above 700 milliseconds (ms). --> w =0 (not successful)


Try creating 3 slo -

  • under500
  • under700
  • above700

Each SLO will create a metric func:sloxxxx

create a new SLO using this 3 metrics (1*slo-under500 + 0.8*slounder700 + 0*sloabove700)/3 

This is a viable solution and will accept it although it leads to the creation of multiple SLO instead of a single one (which was my ideal set up - to not create too many config instead just have one config, very efficient including all the logic) 

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