27 May 2024 02:38 PM - last edited on 28 May 2024 07:47 AM by MaciejNeumann
We're trying to use {dims:} placeholders that we're using in a custom event in a payload in a webhook integration.
When we add the {dims:} placeholders to the custom event, we see the properties that contain the dims placeholders. But when we add the same placeholders to the payload, the fields of the payload don´t contain the value of the placeholders.
It returns something like this:
[{"type":"APPLICATION_TYPE","name":"xxxxxxx","entity":"APPLICATION_TYPE-xxxxx"}], "id": "P-XXXXX", "pid": "-XXXX_XXXX"
"propertiesMyProperty": {dims:MyProperty} "propertiesMyEntityPropertiy": {dims:dt.entity.custom_device_group.name} }
We are defining the paypload on this way:
"names": "{ProblemID}",
"detalleImpacto": {ImpactedEntities},
"id": "{ProblemID}",
"pid": "{PID}"
"propertiesMyProperty": {dims:MyProperty}
"propertiesMyEntityPropertiy": {dims:dt.entity.custom_device_group.name}
Does anyone know if it's possible using these properties in a payload of a Webhook integration and how to do that?