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Dynatrace- AWS- EKS and SQL on EC2


Dear Team,


We are trying to enable fullstack for AWS EKS and MSSQL which are running on EC2s.

Web server and Application server PODs are running with EKS and Microservices are making call to backend MSSQL which are running on EC2s, For your information we have already installed the One agent in a full stack mode on MSSQL EC2s.

Kindly suggest in Dynatrace if we are not able to capture these details via Operator, how we will achieve the below-mentioned monitoring parameters with EKS?

we need to monitor below mentioned EKS Pods related data as well as the DB MSSQL like Long running SQL queries for DBDB Backup failed as well as we need to capture microservices like application and web services to capture RUM level data. (Web server and Application server pods are running with EKS)


Thanks and Regards,

Dharmender Singh



DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

@dharmender0101 I would recommend doing a full Operator deployment. Personally I prefer a non containerized AG, but you can use either one. Then the SQL host on the EC2, deploy out the OneAgent in halfstack/infra mode. I would also leverage the applicable SQL extensions as well. This will give you the best coverage of the systems you outlined. 



Hi @dharmender0101 

In addition to the valuable guidance by @ChadTurner , PFA the related implementation resources:


  • Infra-only monitoring would be the applicable solution for saving HUs consumption.
  • Leveraging the extension will give a deeper level of visibility and more advanced insights and alerting.



  • Full-stack will provide the end-to-end visibility.
  • Ensure the related OA features are activated properly.
  • The required distributed tracing configurations are enabled accurately, under server-side service monitoring > Deep Monitoring.

Hoping it adds value.



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