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Dynatrace monitoring Python Support on AWS ECS Fargate

We are having issues instrumenting Dynatrace on our  python application which runs on AWC ecs fargate

App container OS: bullseye OS

Dynatrace injection method: runtime injection

we are using below options:


We did try to add DT_LOGLEVELCON=INFO in our app container too.


1. we couldn't see any anything in the app container logs

2. one agent container logs doesn't have any error pulling one agent & unzipping it

3. does DT support python app on the ecs fargate container?

4. what are the next steps to get this moving ?





DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

We had quite the issues with fargate just based off how fargate is designed. Were you able to get it sorted out @vinnu_arige_moe ?


we haven't got any luck with DT as its not supported but we went OTEL route to resolve our Python on ECS Fargate requirement


Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

Hi @vinnu_arige_moe!

Python monitoring is currently not supported on AWS Fargate but is on the roadmap.

Best regards,

I dont see AWS fargate Python specifically on your roadmap? Can you point me to right one?

@patrick_thurner can you please provide more details regarding Python support for AWS Fargate.

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