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Take the Gamer Challenge! ‌🎮‌

Community Team
Community Team

The "Gamer" badgeThe "Gamer" badge

Hello, Community Friends! Once again, we invite you to take a look at some after-hours activities. Let's share the names of our favorite games, both current obsessions and those that used to make time fly... years ago 😉

Post one or a few game names (photos, print screens of cover arts are welcomed as well)! Promote contemporary stuff or go a little bit nostalgic... And don't worry repeating! It will only highlight how meaningful some titles are for whole generations. And traditionally, everyone who takes the challenge receives a unique "Gamer" badge and 100 bonus points as well! 


Let me start with something so obvious and yet so timeless: GTA San Andreas, of course.




Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

So many to choose from, so little space!

Favorite childhood game: The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time.
I'm currently listening to an album with a more epic take on Zelda songs:



Most hours spent in one game: I guess an MMO, probably World of Warcraft or The Lord of the Rings Online

Currently playing: Diablo 4 and Factorio. Diablo 4 is great in couch co-op. Factorio makes me feel like I'm an engineer in my spare time as well.





Hard to choose but,

The first one: Countles hours/days/weeks... in Diablo 2, not the new Resurected version, but the classic one, i think i replaced my mouse like 2 times because of this game.


The second one: maybe the Half Life (the full series), the story is just amazing, with amazing gameplay. (and Counter Strike, because it was a mod for this game at the beginning.)









The third one: World of Warcraft, i think, this game took quite a few hours of my life... The grind was real



Now Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, and Diablo 4 ofc.

Ooo Diablo! I completed many times each of the four parts! I love this game:)

Have a nice day!

Community Team
Community Team

This challenge topic sent me down the nostalgic rabbit hole, beware 🙈

As a late-late millennial, my childhood still happened in the pre-PC games era. Instead, I had Sega console!  

Hours were lost to these games:

Sonic The HedgehogSonic The Hedgehog

Jurassic Park’s Raptor ModeJurassic Park’s Raptor Mode

Then a neighbour of mine got the first PS, and we got obsessed with:

Mortal KombatMortal Kombat

And in my teens, of course:

Need for speed: UndergroundNeed for speed: Underground

Sims 1 (and 2 for a moment)Sims 1 (and 2 for a moment)

The only constant is change. Finding ways for great things to happen!

Remembered another one 😂

Neighbour from hellNeighbour from hell

The only constant is change. Finding ways for great things to happen!

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

My gaming skills (and availability) has gone long time ago...

These are the ones that still present in my mind from when I was a kid, playing in a small tube TV at my parents room;

The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy:

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I started to learn english with this one. In order to complete the tasks, you should pay attention to the instructions, so to avoid being lost or enclosed somewhere in the game, I had to use a dictionary. I have a lot to thank for from this game for this.


When I got my hands in a computer, these were the ones that I spent more time on.


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Believe me or not, I have learned to drive with this game. Doing exactly the opposite I was supposed to do when playing.


The Incredible Machine

Screenshot 2023-07-12 at 10.30.49.png

That' another one that I remember part of my (young) life was spent out. I loved the challenges by each level.

You know what.. I think I will find this one out and start playing it again... That's your fault, @Michal_Gebacki 

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl

I'm facing it regularly, don't blame the timeless perfection of this game! 😅

@dannemca Carmageddon is awesome game 😋@dannemca Carmagedon is awesome game. I even played it last year 😂

Have a nice day!

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Not really a gamer. But I played this a lot:


I recently discovered that Tetris was taken to new levels in the last decade. With hypertappers, Tetris seems to have started a whole new era, and the values obtained since then were absolutely unimaginable when I was playing it:

Some years ago, I was also much into chess:


Nowadays, I don't play a lot...

Antonio Sousa

I have just watched the Tetris film yesterday. Great movie, btw.

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl


Nice coincidence!

Antonio Sousa

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi, these should be in my list:

  • Championship Manager: Season 01/02


  • Age of Empires II: The Conquerors


  • Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines


Best regards

❤️ Emacs ❤️ Vim ❤️ Bash ❤️ Perl

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Time to make me feel old.  My favorite games are story games.  Originally they were by Sierra: King's Quest, Space Quest and Police Quest.


King's Quest


Space Quest


Police Quest

Then Links 386



I started playing games again a few years ago on PS4.  Favorites: Uncharted IV (why I got back into gaming), Star Wars Battlefront II, Spider-Man, and Red Dead Redemption II (Hope they remaster the first one).


Uncharted IV


Star Wars BattleFront II




Red Dead Redemption II (I think my favorite game of all time.  Finishing my 3rd play through right now).


Notable mentions:

Nintendo games: Super Mario Bros., Contra, Punch-Out, etc.

PS4: God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Last of Us, Assassin's Creed series, Tomb Raider series.


Guess I have played a few games 🙂



Dynatrace Certified Professional








Quake III Arena


Need for speed underground




IT Master | dynatrace Certified professional | SRE Certified | Scrum Certified | Azure Certified |

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Great challange! Another one where the list could go on and on :dynaspin:

For competitive I really enjoy(ed) Starcraft 2 and World of Warcraft, those probably have the most time invest as well 🙂

pahofmann_0-1689233471202.pngWrath_Classic_BG (1).png


Favorite childhood game I agree with @Mike_L, Ocarina of Time was amazing. That also led to my triforce.



Also Knights and Merchants was really fun for an early RTS:




Currently I'm playing Diablo 4 and Factorio always comes back for me, the factory must grow!





Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

Oh, I forgot Starcraft 2. The number of hours I spent in there with ladder, direct strike and co op must be quite substantial as well. I'm looking forward to Stormgate as it's created by many of the same people. It's been quite some time since I've been excited by a new RTS.


Yes, excited for Stormgate as well. The dev talks for it sounded pretty good as well 🙂

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

Getting a dose of stormgate sooner than anticipated 🙂


Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

Nice! Congratulations 🎉


 Starcraft 2 😍


Such a great game! Not sure if I played it more or watched more games 😄

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

I usually fall asleep when I watch GSL\ESL\Katowice games. But this is not because the games are not interesting, only because I want to sleep 🙂



What a lovely challenge 😊. for me as an old Gamer (Ps3, Ps4, Ps5, Xbox and for sure PC) i have some great figures to mention: God of War, Red dead redemption and Max Payne😉


Dynatrace Certified Professional - Dynatrace Partner -


Currently these two ofc 🙂



And for some reason, even though it was waaaay before my time, PacMan remained a favorite. 



A Dynatrace Professional nerd working for Conclusion Xforce

PacMan is a favorite too!

Dynatrace Certified Professional

DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

What better to promote Community gamification, than games themselves, huh? 😛


Happy to see that some of my all time favorites are already on the list!

I've played World of Warcraft for SEVERAL years: my main was a very happy Tauren Warrior (tank).

Met very nice people through the game, and also brought a lot of my IRL friends to play! Lots of fun!



I even got an Horde T-Shirt when I got my Mists of Pandaria expansion pack, back in 2013! For the Horde! 😄



However, my heart will always go to the best WoW expansion ever: Wrath of the Lich King!

What a blast!



Being a World of Warcraft gamer, naturally I also delved into the realms of League of Legends (back when LoL was just an excuse to have a break from WoW, while we waited for instance queues).

In WoW, I was a tank and helped protect others... in LoL I've always played support: not much of a damage person, here! 😛

But I loved being a part of a team, and supporting my team (literally) throughout every match!

Played LoL since Season 1, and kept playing also for several years.



In the meantime, I also played some CS:GO, but my all-time favorite FPS is, definitely, Crysis!

Wonderful graphics, but - most important - very thrilling and exciting, keeps you hooked from the first minute!



Saved the best for last, the game that introduced me to what gaming is all about: living a story!

Do not be fooled by my first two choices, which are online and focused on competing!

Even in those, you are always either a caracter in some story or - better yet - part of a team: a team member (in every team, in every context, really) is always a sort of a character in some story (most of the times, a story much bigger than the character itself).

The first game that led me to this crazy storytelling/storyliving world was a very simple, friendly but albeit wonderful game: Sly Cooper.

I first got it when I was something like 7 or 8 years old, and played it at least once a year since: to revive those cheerful childhood moments, and to remind myself of what a warm feeling it is to go through with a great story! 🙂


Best regards, Pedro Deodato

Finally, I've found one that plays League Of Legends! I'm a main Jungler and secondary supporter 🙂 I hope we meet sometime at the Summoner's Rift! 

Senior Product Manager,
Dynatrace Managed expert

Dynatrace Guide
Dynatrace Guide

okay here we go
1. House of the Dead (1&2)
2. DX-Ball
3. Need for Speed
4. GTA
5. Roadrash
6. Lots of mobile game (Candy Crush, Subway Surfers, Temple Run)
7. Bloons Tower Defense 
8. Skyrim
9. Dota 
10. League of Legends








❤️ to League of Legends!

Senior Product Manager,
Dynatrace Managed expert


Super Mario


The original Super Mario was only 40kb, and it's a classic that can't be topped


Dynatrace Certified Professional

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


There are three games in my memory from my school days:

- Turok

- Worms Armagedon

- Serious Sam II


Turok is one of the first games I had on my computer - I remember the guy who sold us the computer saying that if I go back and forth on the map my computer will crash xD

Works Armageddon and Serious Sam II, on the other hand, meant many hours of playing with friends from the estate.

Who among you also carried the whole computer in a suitcase to play arm in arm with a friend in one room?


Have a nice day!

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hey, how about playing some online game together? If we already have such a topic then maybe we can make a DT Community team 😂 Any suggestions?

Have a nice day!

I'd be more than happy to play together Among Us!

Senior Product Manager,
Dynatrace Managed expert

I'm in! 😂 Anyone else? 

Have a nice day!

The Community is already on the topic of organizing a global Community event 😃 That would be sooooo cool!

Keep calm and build Community!

Community Team
Community Team

Great thread already 😃

So my absolute favorite at the moment is Disco Elysium - I always loved RPGs, but this was the first one, that I really felt that I can roleplay not just from the class point of view (mage, warrior, etc.), but as a real character. If someone played Planescape Torment or the classic point-and-click adventure games in the past, they will feel at home with this one.

Besides that, here is a list of my other favorites:
-Elden Ring
-Witcher 3 (mandatory position for everyone from Poland I guess 😅 )
-The Legend of Zelda - Wind Walker
-Doom Eternal
-Binding of Issac
-League of Legends (more as an esport viewer at the moment)

-Hollow Knight

If you have any questions about the Community, you can contact me at

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Currently playing a lot of Diablo IV and Fall Guys, which are the complete opposite of each other 😅:

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Games I've played a LOT of and mean a lot to me include the Halo, Destiny, and Overwatch games:

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And one of the best, unknown party games out there (which is still playable via Backwards Compatibility on the Xbox One today) is Fuzion Frenzy! 

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YESSSSS! Fuzion Frenzy was such a great game. I remember a lot of laughs, anger, and joy at the same time with this game. LOL!

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


So many great moments online with friends or at home. Also Monkey Island, Starcraft, Tetris, Duke Nukem and Zelda Series. Love to see that Factorio is on the list of many.

Scoop, Someone at Dynatrace recently showed me game ports that run as an application on the latest Dynatrace. PacMan, Doom. :dynaspin:🎮

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

We're also gamers at Dynatrace!




I'm looking forward to your games deployed at Dynatrace AppEngine!

Senior Product Manager,
Dynatrace Managed expert

aaaaa and immortal Doom!



Senior Product Manager,
Dynatrace Managed expert

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Starcraft II 😍


The peak of my gaming career was the solo murder of a raid boss in a very famous online MMORPG when all my teammates died. I hit him solo for 3 hours.😂


Heroes of Might & Magic III

I don’t play anymore, HoMM3 - just watch twitch streams and fall asleep




DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

the following are my favorite games 😄

- Metal Gear Solid 3


- Resident Evil 3 & 4


- Dino Crisis 2

- FIFA All Versions

- Medal of Honor online


Certified Dynatrace Professional | Certified Dynatrace Services Delivery - Observability & CloudOps | Dynatrace Partner -

Dynatrace Enthusiast
Dynatrace Enthusiast

Well, I've been playing Civilization Series since 2007. But in my early days I was addicted to Diablo, Warcraft, SimCity and Transport Tycoon.

Transport TycoonTransport TycoonCivilizationCivilization

Transport Tycoon, of course! 🙂

I had such fond memories of that game that when I decided what to do with some spare time I created my own 3d engine to make an online multiplayer spin on it.

Just found an old video I made with some updates:

A short introduction to alpha version 1.4 of State of Profit. The game can be found at

I loooove Transport Tycoon, the game is still alive and well with OpenTTD, such a delightfully relaxing game.

Dynatrace Enthusiast
Dynatrace Enthusiast

If anyone here plays Chess at please add me there 


Regret you haven't seen my face while scrolling through all these posts - like a child in the toy shop! So many memories and adventures, starting with Tetris and Perestroika -> Soviet Mind games 😮  through Civilization, Heroes of Might and Magic I, II, III, and IV, and many, many more games. 


Currently, I'm a big fan of Riot Games - including League Of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra, and Valorant! I'm also an e-sport fan!


So screenshots of two games that were not mentioned yet and that are close to my heart - Among Us - which helped to survive socializing during the pandemic and Team Fight Tactics:







Senior Product Manager,
Dynatrace Managed expert

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Ammm nostalgia 🙂 Prince Of Persia , Tetris & Minesweeper

dynatrace certificated professional - dynatrace master partner - Matrix Soft Ware Division - Israel

Tetris of course!  Minesweeper - forgot about that.  Man I played that a lot too

Dynatrace Certified Professional

I don't consider myself a gamer, but please let me share some electronic and computer games I have enjoyed over the years -

We got an Atari 2600 as a Christmas present (1979?) - and spent many hours on Space Invaders. Sadly I disposed of this 2600 system and carts when I moved in 2003.


Another hit, in the 80's this time - Coleco Electronic Quarterback. I don't know what happened to this unit. 


Late 90's MS-DOS game Scorched Earth

OIP (1).jfif

Late 90's Windows 3.1 game 'Ski Free' (or something like that).




Dopewars - late 90's early 2000's Palm Pilot era


Ohhh, great games, Scorched Earth was great, recently I've found Forts, a new game that reminds me of it.

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

How could I forget Scorched Earth in my list! And Worms.




The first of then will always be Gta SA and Gta V. But i really like to play the classic like Bomber Man 2. with this 3 games, i can say that takes 90% of my entire life gameplays.




there is also a game that looks like Gta but a brazilian version, the name is 171 and its disponible at steam in a beta version:





Dynatrace Certified


thinking about this i found a duality in my classic games list, in one hand i played resident evil which for me was one of the best and scariest games at that time.


on the other hand i had Crash Bandicoot, that for me was one of the funniest in my chilhood, a complete classics.




Oh my god, Crash Bandicoot!! Thanks for bringing back all the memories 😃

The only constant is change. Finding ways for great things to happen!

Community Team
Community Team

Amaaaazing storyline and MUSIC 🎶
Probably it was the time when I fell in love with electronic sounds...


When passion meets people magic and innovation happen.

Community Team
Community Team

And my first game ever...
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge (1990)
My first "speeding" in a red car with a joystick in my hand, driving through long tunnels...
It also was the time when I fell in love, with.... cars and speed 😍
And I've just realized that maybe because of that I have a red car 🔴 with a manual gear 😜

LOTUS 1.jpg

LOTUS 2.jpg

When passion meets people magic and innovation happen.

Dynatrace Promoter
Dynatrace Promoter

So many good memories!

I am a old blizzard fanatic myself so all the Diablo 2, World of Warcraft and Starcraft brings a lot of memories!

But my favorites all time are from the Final Fantasy franchise specially this master piece

I spent my whole childhood playing that game. And of course:




A honorable mention to:




Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

I played Games on Amiga 500, PS1, PS2 and the PC - With my Brother and sister. We loved the below:




Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor

Reading all of the comments....SO MANY GREAT GAMES AND MEMORIES!!! Between PC and consoles, my gaming library is around 500+ games and it keeps growing. I'd add Contra on Nintendo and Shinobi on Sega. From current gen console, I enjoyed Assassin's Creed games, Cyberpunk2077 - with all of its flaws -  and God of War games so much I opted for the collector's edition.

Yup, that's Mjolnir aka Thor's hammer 😁.

God of War RagnarökGod of War Ragnarök

Cyberpunk 2077Cyberpunk 2077

DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Great success for this challenge 🤓

Dofus was my first (and last) MMORPG ! So many hours on it :


My first video game ever :



My first Zelda in 2001, and it still my favorite licence today:



Observability Engineer at Phenisys - Dynatrace Professional

Dynatrace Advocate
Dynatrace Advocate

I used to play "Die Siedler" A LOT 


Couple of years ago I learned there is sort of a community remake, free and open source called Widelands( or It works very well already and there is versus mode. If you like games like this I highly recommend it


If you own a VR Headset and like CoOp games I highly recommend 


The Person wearing the Headset plays a giant, that is chained to the ground and the other player plays a dwarf. Together you have to solve puzzles. It is done by a guy (Wolfgang Tschauko) whos Master Thesis was about bodily presence in virtual reality. I also quite like it for Teambuilding and communications training (Keep Talking and nobody explodes is also perfect for the latter but too stressful for many people).

Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

My favourite games of all time are 2, 

  1. NFS Most Wanted (2005 Edition)
  2. FIFA (Now EA Sports FC)

I played these games for over 1000 hours, and still, it feels fresh and wanna play more and more. They bring that kid in me. 

Love more, hate less; Technology for all, together we grow.

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

What a great Challenge! So many of these submissions have brought me back to my childhood. But there were few big ones that were missing for me: 

Stronghold Crusader - "Not enough wood my lord", Why is there never enough wood!? 




Flight Simulator: 


Train Simulator: 






Oh No! More Lemmings.  :pacman_ghost_red: 💓:pacman::pacman_ghost_blue: Great Great Game.

The true delight is in the finding out rather than in the knowing.

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