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Take the “Road to Community” Challenge!



Hello, Dynatrace Community!

Maintaining community engagement and growth is an ongoing and exciting challenge for us. That’s why we are wondering what's appealing about being part of an online community as opposed to an offline community? Different people will have different reasons for joining, but everyone's got a story.

Here's the new challenge for you:

Answer no more than in three sentences why you joined the Dynatrace Community?

Let’s get to know each other better. It’s always great to talk with a person that we know, then just an avatar. We are very curious to know your motivation and expectations 🙂

The Award:

Everyone that will write in this forum thread about the reason for joining our community, will receive
100 reputation points!

Entries close March 17.



Dynatrace Advisor
Dynatrace Advisor

I joined the Dynatrace community because it is an amazing source for gathering knowledge and learning from the experience others have with using the product as well as being able to contribute to that pool of knowledge. It feels great finding the answer to a problem that you may have and it also feels great providing an answer and feeling valued for helping someone else with a problem that they may be struggling with.

Very cool! Happy to hear your feedback about knowledge sharing. We trying our best! +100 🙂

Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

I initially joined the Dynatrace Community because it is the perfect place for me to quickly find answers to my questions. Answers in the community have saved me huge amounts of time. Since I've gained more experience monitoring with Dynatrace, I've been able to give back to the Dynatrace Community by sharing my answers and experiences.

Sweet. I'm so glad to hear that the Community saved your time 🙂 +100!


I Joined the community for two reason

Open RFE.

I think is interesting to see how many users give suggestion in order to improve the product

Share and Learn:

Learn from the leaders and "Give back" to new users is a mantra for me.   

And why not .. meet expert from several countries and industries in order to have a "different point of view" on how to solve common issues


That's awesome. I love your mantra. +100 to your reputation! 🙂

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

As a Dynatrace Admin, I joined the Dynatrace Community to leverage/tap-into the minds of everyone that utilizes Dynatrace. Its always good to step back from time to time and have another person look at your issue with fresh, unbiased eyes. Also the Community is a great place to share use cases, product ideas, as well as provide instructions/tutorials on methods that have very little if not any documentation on them so anyone that has the same question that you had can now be guided to the solution - A few of which you can review here: Managed UFO Guide | Splunk Data Ingestion | Converting Json to Excel


Thanks, Chad for your input. I love that you mentioned tutorials. This is something we want to develop more. +100 points for you 🙂

Awesome links Chad! Great info on each ^.^

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

As I’m solution Architect, I need to provide quick answers. Community was good place to find knowledge I needed. After some time everything changed, now I’m trying to be the one who helps others 🙂


Regards, Sebastian

Thanks, @Sebastian K. we are super happy about your activity and help in our forum! +100 🙂

I am Presale Engineer. I have joined to Community to have possibility to offer improvement of a product. For me community is the fastest way to find the answer for the question (in some cases it is faster than support). Also it is good place to share experience with others.



That's great to hear. Hoping to be even faster 😄 100 points awarded!


I joined the community to improve service delivery to customers, understand global issues and possible solutions and ultimately improving the product

That's great! I hope the improvement of the product is going up 🙂 +100!

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

As Dynatrace RFOs in Israel, we are acting as first-level support for Israeli customers. The community for us is the place to get deeper information and answers that we can not find within the documentation and to be up to date with the extraordinary rate of changing of this grate platform.

dynatrace certificated professional - dynatrace master partner - Matrix Soft Ware Division - Israel

Thanks, @Yos N. Glad that Dynatrace community brings you so much value 🙂 +100!


To meet new people. See what they are doing to learn something new. And Help and earn points. Sometimes I get little time to browse docs.

Nice answer 🙂 100 points go to you, too!

Dynatrace Helper
Dynatrace Helper

I joined the Dynatrace Forums because it has been the key to answering some very difficult questions in the past concerning Dynatrace. I hope to provide some answers on here to give back and grow this community.

Thanks for sharing. I hope to see you more on the forum! +100 🙂

Dynatrace Promoter
Dynatrace Promoter

I initially joined the community to find answers to issues that I had to deal with and see if others have had the same problems as me. Now I am looking to use my experience to help other people that need help using dynatrace.

Happy to hear it, Derek! Definitely we need more help in the forum. +100 🙂

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

I joined to see what problems are people trying to solve to get more educated. In my spare time, I tried to solve their issues to get deeper knowledge and be prepared for encountering similar situations at different customers and prospects.

What someone is trying to solve today might be the very same situation you will encounter shortly.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Thanks, Julius for sharing your story. We are really appreciating your contribution to our community! +100 🙂


I've Joined Dynatrace Community in September 2015 - almost 5 years ago! That time my and my team's goal was to improve total quality (supportability, enablement, troubleshooting, self-service, shortening the time and number of support cases and many many more) of Dynatrace NAM (former DCRUM) product.

As you probably can guess - community was one of the places that helped a lot.

Senior Product Manager,
Dynatrace Managed expert

Thank you, Radek, for being such a helpful member of our community. You make Dynatrace Community simply great! + 100 🙂

Dynatrace Mentor
Dynatrace Mentor
Hey Laima,

I joined the Dynatrace Community because I wanted to learn more about the products outside of the documentation. After I felt I had a good amount knowledge I decided it was time to start contributing. The ability to create enhancement ideas and provide feedback on the product is a nice bonus as well. 🙂


Hey Dallas, It is so cool to hear your story, that's the reason you got a member of the month award. Keep going! +100 🙂


Me and My team are just 4 month babies to Dynatrace, We started with zero knowledge & within short duration we were able to gain decent knowledge and hands on experience, This has been achieved with help from "30 mins Webinar sessions","Dynatrace University videos", "Self learning from You-Tube" and mainly with help from forum... I got My doubts cleared in this community forum & Also Utilized the reference urls/links shared by Laima V ...... Thanks Team... Long Live community forum ..... Long Live Dynatrace ... Long Live our Monitored Applications 🙂

Hey Prabu! We are super happy that you joined Dynatrace and that your journey with us goes forward so smoothly. I'm glad to hear that the list of resources I send to you was useful. Feel free to ask me if you need anything else. Hope to you see you more in our community! Well deserved + 100 🙂

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

I joined the dynatrace community to get as much input as I can for different technologies I hadn't encpuntered yet "in the wild". That was a really good way to expand my knowledge.

Now I'm happy to pass on the knowledge I gained to others, helping them solve their problems and giving Feedback through product Ideas.

Dynatrace Certified Master - Dynatrace Partner -

Thanks, Patrick! We are happy to receive your knowledge. Your help is always appreciated. +100 🙂

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