18 Dec 2024 12:51 PM
We have document here which mentions about how to Deploy Dynatrace Operator with images from private registry
But we don't have an example for manifest.
Solved! Go to Solution.
18 Dec 2024 01:02 PM
To address the above question, here is the sample from the kubernetes.yaml file which we can use.
1. Navigate to kind: Deployment of dynatrace-operator.
2. Here, we have have two spec sections: Outer spec: defines high-level deployment properties and Inner spec: defines the specifications for the individual pods that will be created
spec: imagePullSecrets: - name: dynakube containers: - name: operator
3. Similarly we need to add the imagePullSecrets under dynatrace-webhook deployment under the inner spec: section.
imagePullSecrets: - name: dynakube containers: - name: webhook
Please be careful with the indentation. Avoid using tab and use spacebar instead. Also, make sure to change image path to your private registry.
Official kubernetes document for reference: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/#create-a-pod-t...
18 Dec 2024 09:47 PM
Example Dyntrace CRD's are located here.
dynatrace-operator/assets/samples/dynakube/v1beta2 at main · Dynatrace/dynatrace-operator · GitHub
On a side note: Pull Secrets are only needed if you are using code-modules images (Cloud Native CSI or Application Only).
Otherwise, if you are using classic Full Stack or Cloud Native Full stack (One Agent) then you don't need them.
Also if you are using a private repo, make sure that you set the container registry in no-proxy annotation in the crd.
feature.dynatrace.com/no-proxy: "<your container registry host>"