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Which CodeModulesImage we use when applying in a Dynakube for Openshift with s390 architecture?


Which CodeModulesImage (tag/version) we use when applying a Dynakube in an Openshift Cluster running on a s390 architecture (Linux-Z)? (When using cloudNativeFullstack Mode)


We need to sync the correct codeModulesImage from Dyna public repo ( to our private one, so that it will be possible to inject into s390x arch application pods, by CSI driver.





Hi @helton_harada I don't believe that there is an option for kube deployments on s390 /zLinux
Technology support — Dynatrace Docs

You can always reach out to DT support for enhancement request or more info on options. 

You're probably going to have to go old school and use the pod only approach. 
This will work since there is s390 support for the one agent -when you specify the archive type

Application observability with pod runtime injection — Dynatrace Docs

My only suggestion is that if you do go down this approach - move the oneagent zip to a mounted common NFS or local file repository that has high availability and retrieve from there - do not curl out to Dynatrace API for the file - if the init container cannot reach the destination (e.g proxy is down / firewall ...)then your pods won't be able to start. 


Hi gopher! Thanks for the suggestion, maybe It would be a possibility.

I was looking at Dynatrace public registries and I found another besides Amazon one. Docker Hub:

At Docker Hub explorer it was possible to see an image OS/ARCH linux/s390x, this link above is one of them. I don't know, maybe it can work


According to Dyna doc, operator image is now built and released for the s390x architecture, since version 1.2.0




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