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Applying OpenPipeline DQL data masking rule to all attributes

Frequent Guest


We use DQL rules for cardholder data masking in Open Pipeline through combinations of string functions - replacePatterns, replaceString - similar to the snippet below


fieldsAdd a = replacePattern(content,
<<Masing Rule>>)
| fieldsAdd b = iCollectArray(replaceString(b[], " ", ""))
| fieldsAdd b = iCollectArray(concat(substring(b[], from:0, to:6), "******", substring(b[], from:12)))
| fieldsAdd b = arrayFlatten(array(b, null))
| fieldsAdd c = splitString(a, "<Masked_credit_card>")
| fieldsAdd d = unescape(toString(iCollectArray(concat(c[], b[]))))
| fieldsAdd content = replaceString(substring(d, from:2, to: -2),"""", """", "")
| fieldsRemove a, b, c, d


However, its limitation is where the rule can only be applied for specific attributes - i.e. content


fieldsAdd a = replacePattern(content,
| fieldsAdd content = replaceString(substring(d, from:2, to: -2),"""", """", "")


How would I iterate the same DQL rule to all other attributes than just content

Thanks in advance!


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