29 Feb 2024 03:58 PM
I need to relate two events.
I have logs of two events:
1. Errors in my store cart (contains customer ID)
2. Checkout in my cart (contains customer ID)
I need two views:
1. Customers who completed their purchase but had errors in their cart
2. Customers who had an error but did not complete the purchase.
I thought of two methods:
Create a log extraction metric for each action (cart error and checkout), using the customer ID as a dimension. But I don't know how I can relate it in the data explorer to get the visualization I need.
The second method would be to create a single metric that stores both logs (cart error and checkout), using the customer ID as a dimension. But I also don't know how I can relate in data explorer.
29 Feb 2024 04:16 PM
If you're on SaaS, try doing it using DQL instead straight into the new dashboards. This might be helpful:
Using a join or lookup, you should be able to merge those two into one record, something like this:
fetch logs
| filter isNotNull(dt.entity.host)
| lookup sourceField:dt.entity.host, lookupField:id, prefix:"host.", [ fetch dt.entity.host | fields id, os = osType ]
| limit 10
Here's additional documentation on GRAIL on the latest Dashboards: https://docs.dynatrace.com/docs/shortlink/dashboard-component-data
29 Feb 2024 04:18 PM
This works well, but one of the problems is that we need to store this data in metrics.