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Creating your own data tables in Grail

DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Hello all,

To make it simple, you can not create your own tables in Grail, these are all defined by Dynatrace like a kind of templates. What you can do is play with buckets and access rules....

Am I correct?

KR Henk


Community Team
Community Team

Hello @henk_stobbe,

Could you provide more details about your use case for creating your own tables in Grail, especially describing your need? We could check then if there is something on the roadmap that could potentially fit your description, but we would need more information.

If you have any questions about the Community, you can contact me at

Hi Macie,

Sorry no specific use case for this topic, in Dutch there is a saying "why nut?" which comes from a popular commercial, so:

maybe the question should have been, why is it not (yet) possible to update with DQL and can tables in the future be created by a customer?

For me this would be a better option then the Document service for apps and workflows.

(Sorry just thinking out load)


For now thank you for your reply, and maybe its better for me to wait for the roadmap and future releases (-;

Thx Henk 



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