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Fetch logs from all hosts with a Tag


Hi there,

I'm a newbie, so please don't flame me.  I'm trying to get the logs from all hosts that have a certain Tag...  i can get the hosts, but them how do i feed that to a fetch logs ?

fetch | filter matchesValue(tags,"MESSAGING:DAG01")
| fetch logs

doesn't seem to work

any pointers would be appreciated, cheers


DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Hi @S_Hadley1138,

Try this :

fetch logs
| lookup [ fetch
  | filter matchesValue(tags,"MESSAGING:DAG01")
],lookupField:id, fields:{id} 

Let me know if it's ok for you 

Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight

thanks for responding.  it does execute, but its not respecting the tag, and pulling everything back.  it seems i can put anything in the tag field in the query and get the same results...  very odd

ive tried to show in the screenshot, that the hosts its pulling back are citrix, rather than messaging, and have different tags

Ooh.. so you can try this :

fetch logs
| lookup 
  ],, lookupField:id, fields:{id,tags}
| filter matchesValue(tags,"MESSAGING:DAG01")


Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight

i may have found the issue....  seems our servers were not enabled for collecting the windows application logs, so there are no logs to find...      apologies for that

That might explain it all ^^

Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight

like I said, I am a Newbie...   (and a Muppet...)   thanks for your help

oooh.. So you can try this one : 


fetch logs
| lookup 
  ],, lookupField:id, fields:{id,tags}
| filter matchesValue(tags,"MESSAGING:DAG01")


Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight

close, but that doesn't return anything...

i can see what you are doing with the filter, as this query returns the host names ok

| filter matchesValue(tags,"MESSAGING:DAG01")

just need to get the logs to filter by this list....  so close

sadly, that return no results.  the filter part works against the hosts table, it just doesnt want to connect the two parts.  any other ideas?

It's curious because I tested the command on my environment and it works well..

Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight

count it be because there are many Tags?  might it need to be a 'containsValue' rather than matchesValue?  or whatever the DQL equivalent is?  in your testing, try it with several tags....


i agree, as i think it is along the right lines.....  I've included a screenshot, i can prove the tags are right...  i must be doing something wrong

can you observe the desired tags with the following command?

| filter matchesValue(tags,"MESSAGING:DAG01")
| fields, id, tags
Dynatrace Partner - Professional Certified - DynaMight

yep, that query works fine (apologies for the red, im trying to obscure the company name)

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