23 Aug 2024 12:51 PM - last edited on 26 Aug 2024 06:50 AM by MaciejNeumann
Attempting to create an Anomaly detection metric event based on a specific range of data from logs. I can find this data from the logs with this DQL query:
fetch logs
| filter matchesValue(k8s.namespace.name, "app-namespace") and toLong(application-event-id) >= 100 and toLong(application-event-id) <= 1000
| sort timestamp desc
I am creating a Log Metric, that will be used by a Anomaly detection metric event, but the Matcher doesn't allow the range selection: toLong(application-event-id) >= 100 and toLong(application-event-id) <= 1000. I am using this instead:
matchesValue(k8s.namespace.name, "app-namespace") and not isNull("application-event-id")
Then using an Anomaly detection metric event to raise a Problem if a certain threshold of 100-1000 application-event-
id are raised in the logs.
I can filter for a specific application-event-id, but how can I do this for the range of application-event-id in the logs (100 to 1000)