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Hello people,

I have a curious issue on my data visualization. My approach was to get a count from data like this:

 fetch logs
| filter gitlab.source == "gitlab-exporter"
| filter contains(, "validate-deployment")
| parse message, """LD:string "│", LD:policy "│" LD:rule "│" LD:resource "│" LD:result "│" LD:reason "│" LD:message EOS """
| filter trim(result) == "Warn"
| summarize warnCounter = count()

Each time a message contains “Warning,” the counter increments. Now I will use this is as a variable in a normal text field on my dashboard like this: 

# `$warnCounter` TOTAL WARNINGS 

The problem is now when I refresh the dashboard or select a new timeframe, the query behind the variable doesnt execute... So all other data will be up to date but not my text total warnings.

It would be great if someone had a solution to this 🙂


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hey @schnarrNoah 

Would a single value tile not work?


By having it as a single value tile it should update with every other tile. Also, to get what you're after you can just use the toString and concat functions to just return the string you're after.

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