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Summarize terms in a record



I have log lines when a customer makes a purchase. This log contains the ID of the purchased products. I would like to be able to quantify the best-selling products of the day.


message: TUP15451, TUP41234, TUP52351152.

It's possible?


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Considering the productID is a field, you can do "| summarize count(), by: {productID} " at the end of your query.

Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl

but I have multiple products, something like: "PRODUCTS: TPU 123, TPU 1942, TPU9724"

You mean, in the same line you have multiple values for the productID field?


Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl


I'm almost there!What's left is to refine my parseAll because it's not getting the last value

@dannemca wrote:

You mean, in the same line you have multiple values for the productID field?


data record(timestamp = "12/24/2022", content = "Products: SKU1234, SKU1234, SKU12345"),
record(timestamp = "12/25/2022", content = "Products: SKU123, SKU1234, SKU12345")


| fieldsAdd ProductID = parseAll(content, "BLANK LD:pid PUNCT")
| expand ProductID
| summarize count(), alias: Occurrences, by:ProductID

Got it now, try to replace the LD by WORD in your parseAll:

data record(timestamp = "12/24/2022", content = "Products: SKU1234, SKU1234, SKU12345"),
record(timestamp = "12/25/2022", content = "Products: SKU123, SKU1234, SKU12345")
| fieldsAdd ProductID = parseAll(content, "BLANK WORD:pid")
| expand ProductID
| summarize count(), alias: Occurrences, by:ProductID


Site Reliability Engineer @ Kyndryl


We received the official registration format. Perhaps it would be possible to adapt parse to capture what is just between {[[ and ]]}?

I tried with DATA "{[[" but I was unsuccessful


PARITY_CATEGORY and fields: {[[TKU12345, TKU123456, TKU123451, TKU59156]]}

If you have comma separated array of words it quite easy to do using just DPL or DPL + splitString:

data record(content="blabla blabla Products: {[[TKU12345, TKU123456, TKU123451, TKU59156]]} bla bla")
| parse content, "DATA '{[[' LD:products ']]}' DATA" 
| fieldsAdd product=trim(splitString(products,",")[])


data record(content="blabla blabla Products: {[[TKU12345, TKU123456, TKU123451, TKU59156]]} bla bla")
| parse content, "DATA '{[[' ARRAY{WORD*:i ', '*}{1,100}:product ']]}' DATA" 





| parse content, "DATA '{[[' ARRAY{WORD*:i ', '*}{1,100}:product ']]}' DATA" 

this worked great! Thank you very much!

Could you explain to me how it works?