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classicEntitySelector to extract relationships

Hi, when extracting relationships with DQL I often get into this warning. See for istance the following:


the usage of classicEntitySelector is suggested is best practices for such cases but how can I get the same result with it?

It's working perfectly when you want to filter for a specific, defined filter (e.g. service id, or name, or any other attribute that can be use as a filter, known in advance), like this:

But how can I express with classicEntitySelector "please add all the services called by each of the fetched services"?

I tried this, but does not work because filter attribute is not constant:


Anyone can help?




It appears that this warning comes up when there are more than 100 relationships on any single record. Based on some experimentation, the number of returned relationships for a given entity appears to be capped at 100 regardless of what is done with filtering. It always comes down to more than 100 entries in the calls[dt.entity.service] field, usually associated with a longer query timeframe. I'm not aware of any way around this outside of shrinking the query timeframe down until it generates less than 100 relationships, which of course may not be applicable in every environment. Perhaps a support request is warranted to shed light on this limitation and potential ways around it.

Hi Marco, yes that's a possibility but in my case I can't use it because many of the involved services have lots of relationships also with very short timeframes.


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