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get requests data and attributes through grails and DQL


Can we access service requests data and request attributes through grails and DQL? 

Thank you


Dynatrace Champion
Dynatrace Champion

Hey adtuser,

Traces on Grail is still a work in progress so unfortunately at the moment this is not available.

Have this been released?

A new Distributed Tracing app on the Dynatrace platform for our DPS customers will launch over the upcoming weeks. You can already check out the new Distributed Tracing app in our playground or read more details in our documentation.

Here is a dedicated Feedback channel about it:
Feedback channel for the new Distributed Tracing app 

If you have any questions about the Community, you can contact me at

I tried with my DPS account and getting this error: Querying spans requires a Dynatrace Platform Subscription and Trace query entitlement. Please contact your Dynatrace admin.",


I have already enable storage read span permission

I am having same issues even after adding the bucket read and storage span read permissions 

the strange thing is that Distributed Tracing app is working but, if I copy/paste DQL in Notebook I receive that error

Getting the same error. 

Hey @DamianJankowski 

If you're receiving the above error it sounds like you don't have the correct license to support spans on Grail. I would recommend reaching out to Dynatrace support to see.


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Dynatrace AllStar | Community Champion | @m3tomlins | @performacology

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