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Dashboard Usage and User Access in Dynatrace


Hi Dynatrace Community,

I have a couple of quick questions regarding dashboard usage:

  1. Is there a way to track how often each dashboard is accessed? For example, can we see if Dashboard A was used 20 times last month and Dashboard B only once?

  2. Can we identify which users are accessing each dashboard? This information would help us understand the relevance of our dashboards.

Any insights on these features or plans for future implementation would be appreciated!

Thank you!


DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Hi @Ahmedrahbi,

In Managed env you can check the dashboard view count for Classic dashboards (id, within the configuration API you can find the dashboard id and dashboards name). In Saas I do not know any solution for the new dashboards.


Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

Thank you for your response. I appreciate the information regarding the dashboard view count for Classic dashboards in the Managed environment. However, I already knew this and unfortunately, it is not very useful for my needs. The current setup does not provide insights into who accessed the dashboards and for how long, which is crucial for my analysis.

If you have any further suggestions or solutions that could address this limitation, I would be grateful to hear them🎆

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru


I had just raised this product idea but it was discarted.

Best regards

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