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azure management from logs


Hi All.


Actually we are using the integration of logs azure  and its being usefull for create granular metrics of the azure api management. 

when we make dashboards for specific or multiple apis it works fine, but with more than 1500 endpoints its not dynamic.  and we are facing a need of filter each api in a dynamic way.  example:

a filter with the apis that when you choose a api endpoint filter all info of the dashboard,


i just try using dynamic filters but its not posible because the metrics that we create doesnt have tags o are being added as custom dimensions there,


i just try using grail , but the tenant doesnt not have grail activated, so its not posible doing or try to do it in the new UI


Some hints would be usefull or maybe exist a better way to work with the api management of azure


fuelled by coffee and curiosity.


btw, this can be done in Grafana in a easy, EASY way. we are trying to replicate that in dynatrace


and its almost imposible.

fuelled by coffee and curiosity.

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