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API Call or commond to gather OneAgent Version details on Each Host


Hi Team , We have huge Dynatrace environment and it is very difficult to keep track of OneAgent version on each server . Also their is no functionality available in tool by which we can extract the details in report. Though we can see it on console. Using API call we have option to pull host details but it does not show OneAgent version details in that . Kindly help us to know if any command or API call available to pull OneAgent version details on each servers. This is required to prepare for OneAgent upgrade Plan .



Hi Prashant,

The API call to fetch the list of monitored hosts contains the agent version information for each host. You should see something like "agentVersion:{major:1, minor:139, revision:240, sourceRevision":"", timestamp:"xxxxxx"}. This translates to agent version 139.240 on that host that was updated on the value of the time-stamp.

See details on the documentation of this API call here

Using python, you can retrieve this data in a way that is more presentable by combining the values of minor and revision. You may want to verify what version you are running as I believe this became possible in server v139 or v140 for managed. Hope this helps



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