30 Aug 2024
02:00 PM
- last edited on
02 Sep 2024
07:26 AM
We are attempting to convert the curl command to a powershell Invoke-RestMethod command in the PIA v2 for GET /metrics/query
I am unclear as to why I do not get the data returned with Invoke-RestMethod but CURL works.
Information is returned, but not the data from the API.
What is happening and does anyone see what needs changed to retrieve the data?
Thank you,
$body = @{
"metricSelector" = "ext:cloud.azure.microsoft_sql.managedinstances.io_requests"
"resolution" = "1m"
"entitySelector" = "type(custom_device),entityName.equals(`"bwc-sqlmi-peachpoc`")"
$headers = @{
"accept" = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
"Authorization" = "Api-Token dt0c01.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://xnm19dypd01/e/52575bc0-1849-4837-8e18-8bc962f4407f/api/v2/metrics/query" -Body $body -Headers $headers
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://xnm19dypd01/e/52575bc0-1849-4837-8e18-8bc962f4407f/api/v2/metrics/query" -Body $body -Headers $headers
Solved! Go to Solution.
11 Sep 2024 12:16 PM
I have a PowerShell Script that is using the Invoke-RestMethod.
However, the data returned looks like this in PowerShell.
I don't see the values expected values.
This is what I see.
How do I go about accessing the data in this format?
When I query the API directly with cURL(PowerShell) in the Dynatrace API .. this is the format.
Any ideas how to access the data when returned in that first format using Invoke-RestMethod? and not cURL?
18 Sep 2024 02:59 PM
(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://xnm19dypd01/e/52575bc0-1849-4837-8e18-8bc962f4407f/api/v2/metrics/query" -Body $body -Headers $headers).result | ConvertTo-Json
$Response.result | ConvertTo-Json
Converting the result to JSON will get you mostly the same result as your curl output.