07 Feb 2024 04:09 PM
I want to use the bizevents ingest api to ingest data from kafka sink connector. The doc (https://docs.dynatrace.com/docs/platform-modules/business-analytics/ba-api-ingest) says that the Content-Type should be application/json or application/cloudevent+json or application/cloudevent-batch+json.
According to the standard (https://github.com/cloudevents/spec/blob/main/cloudevents/primer.md), the Content-type should be application/cloudevents+json (or application/cloudevents-batch+json) (note the "s" after cloudevent). And, in fact, the sink connector sends requests with application/cloudevents+json, and those requests are rejected by Dynatrace ({"error":{"code":415,"message":"Unsupported/Missing 'Content-Type' header."}}).
Is there any plan to support the "application/cloudevents+json" Content-type ? Is there a workaround ?
04 Apr 2024 02:39 PM
That error (415) indicates that there is no outgoing header, the Content-Type header is completely missing.
This should have nothing to do with this spelling cloudevent(s) as both are accepted.
Can you verify how exactly the outgoing call from Kafka sink looks ?
04 Apr 2024 02:45 PM
Hello Mark,
The Content-Type was provided, but not supported on DT side. The issue has been confirmed and will be addressed in 1.289 ("In alignment with the CloudEvents specification, the "Business events API" has been standardized to accept `cloudevents` (in addition to `cloudevent`) as valid content type. (PPX-1548)").