03 Feb 2021 04:18 PM
I got an error using Postman, I hope you handled it before and know how to solve it. The thing is that I'm trying to connect the latest version of Postman (8.0.4) using Dynatrace GitHub Collections (https://github.com/sergiohinojosa/dynatrace-api-postman-collections) to Dynatrace API. I have created env variables to resolve the DT tenant and API-Token. The problem comes when I run the request, I am getting the message "Unsupported web browser ":
It guess it's an issue with embedded Web browser from Postman. The Authorization method that I'm using is API Key:
Did you find this issue before?
Thanks in advance.
Solved! Go to Solution.
03 Feb 2021 05:32 PM
I guess you need to update how you authenticate with the token. It should look rather like this:
03 Feb 2021 08:07 PM
Hi Alberto,
I have not tried with the new Postman version but it should work (suppouse). Unless the collections are not compatible anymore. The collections are being generated from our API spec. I have not updated them for a while now, so you might not have a lot of endpoints (I'll add it to my todo list).
Can you post the request from the log console of postman? with the info (except the tenant and token of course)?
As a side note: Regarding passing the Token, both methods are accepted. You can pass it as a Header or a Query parameter. Recommended is always as a header parameter. The collection has it as query since sometimes is needed to access Dynatrace behind reverse-proxyy. A reverse-proxy normally strips down the header, and the query won't be stripped down. On the down side, a query parameter might be stored on the audit log of the webserver, so something to keep in mind.
03 Feb 2021 08:34 PM
@Alberto D. I just updated my postman and the collections are compatible with the version 8.0.4. By taking a closer look at your request I notice that the parameters are not setted. Try again by either unselecting them or setting a value. THe genration of the collection generates not only the endpoints but some documentation and the parameters.
here is explained very shortly:
Quick intro on how to use the generated params and path variables
Best regards
04 Feb 2021 12:36 PM
Hi Sergio,
I have run an End-Point without parameters and I'm getting the same error:
Console output:
Search messages
GET https://XX.live.dynatrace.com//api/v2/networkZones
131 ms
GET //api/v2/networkZones HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Api Token XX
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.26.10
Accept: */*
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: bc48b599-7eb6-417e-8e82-d255e2fda29e
Host: XX.live.dynatrace.com
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: SRV=server3; apmsessionid=node0pbm1gf4wpdxqhf24tr629gyu214288.node0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
date: Thu, 04 Feb 2021 12:31:29 GMT
traffic-source: UNKNOWN
x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
set-cookie: apmsessionid=node0pttlcad653dk1y2579le4xqex214296.node0; Path=/; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax; Secure
expires: Thu, 04 Feb 2021 12:31:29 GMT
pragma: no-cache
cache-control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
x-content-type-options: nosniff
content-security-policy: default-src 'self' 'nonce-v0gyOpPqRr6lQJLo8fpaTQ==' data: ;script-src 'self' https://static.woopra.com https://www.woopra.com/ https://d2ki1uyufn7sj9.cloudfront.net https://d2lm0p9xttk9v1.cloudfront.net https://d3847ft59mjvb2.cloudfront.net/ https://app.intercom.io https://widget.intercom.io https://js.intercomcdn.com https://js-cdn.dynatracelabs.com 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval';object-src 'self' 'nonce-v0gyOpPqRr6lQJLo8fpaTQ==' https://assets.dynatrace.com;style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://d2ki1uyufn7sj9.cloudfront.net https://d2lm0p9xttk9v1.cloudfront.net;font-src 'self' 'nonce-v0gyOpPqRr6lQJLo8fpaTQ==' https://d2ki1uyufn7sj9.cloudfront.net https://d2lm0p9xttk9v1.cloudfront.net https://js.intercomcdn.com;img-src 'self' 'nonce-v0gyOpPqRr6lQJLo8fpaTQ==' data: https://d2ki1uyufn7sj9.cloudfront.net https://d2lm0p9xttk9v1.cloudfront.net https://ruxit-synth-screencap-dev.s3.amazonaws.com https://ruxit-synth-screencap-sprint.s3.amazonaws.com https://ruxit-synth-screencap.s3.amazonaws.com data: https://js.intercomcdn.com https://static.intercomassets.com https://downloads.intercomcdn.com https://uploads.intercomusercontent.com https://gifs.intercomcdn.com https://video-messages.intercomcdn.com https://messenger-apps.intercom.io https://dynatrace-9a8769f7accc.intercom-attachments-5.com https://dynatrace-9a8769f7accc.intercom-attachments-6.com https://dynatrace-9a8769f7accc.intercom-attachments-9.com https://dt-cdn.net https://dynatrace.asknice.ly https://assets.survicate.com https://dynatrace-9a8769f7accc.intercom-attachments-1.com https://app.intercom.com;media-src 'self' 'nonce-v0gyOpPqRr6lQJLo8fpaTQ==' https://js.intercomcdn.com;frame-src 'self' 'nonce-v0gyOpPqRr6lQJLo8fpaTQ==' https://sso.dynatrace.com https://d2ki1uyufn7sj9.cloudfront.net https://d2lm0p9xttk9v1.cloudfront.net https://www.youtube.com https://fast.wistia.net https://share.intercom.io https://intercom-sheets.com https://player.vimeo.com https://www.intercom-reporting.com https://play.vidyard.com https://assets.dynatrace.com;connect-src 'self' 'nonce-v0gyOpPqRr6lQJLo8fpaTQ==' https://d2ki1uyufn7sj9.cloudfront.net https://d2lm0p9xttk9v1.cloudfront.net https://api.segment.io https://trello.com/1/ https://api.intercom.io https://api-iam.intercom.io https://api-ping.intercom.io https://nexus-websocket-a.intercom.io https://nexus-websocket-b.intercom.io https://nexus-long-poller-a.intercom.io https://nexus-long-poller-b.intercom.io wss://nexus-websocket-a.intercom.io wss://nexus-websocket-b.intercom.io https://uploads.intercomcdn.com https://uploads.intercomusercontent.com https://assets.dynatrace.com https://account.dynatrace.com;child-src 'self' blob:;worker-src 'self' blob:;frame-ancestors 'self' ;base-uri 'self' ;form-action 'self' https://dynatrace.asknice.ly https://api-iam.intercom.io https://intercom.help; report-uri /reportCPSViolations
content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8
vary: Accept-Encoding, User-Agent
content-encoding: gzip
transfer-encoding: chunked
strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains
The console only showsresponse bodies smaller than 10 KB inline. To view the complete body, inspect it by clicking Open.
The authorization method is based on Header and API-key and API-Token is correctly set:
The thing is that I am still getting the same error:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="robots" content="noindex" />
<title>Unsupported web browser - Dynatrace</title>
html {
height: 100%;
I guess it could be an issue with User Agent (User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.26.10). I don't know what I am missing...
04 Feb 2021
06:29 PM
- last edited on
29 May 2023
02:41 PM
I got the issue. That was my request, it was wrong, I just updated tenant variable.
Erasing extra / it works properly (https://XX.live.dynatrace.com/api/v2/networkZones )
04 Feb 2021 07:46 PM
Great! wish you lots of fun and automation with our API !
15 Nov 2021 06:28 AM
I am getting failed to resolve tenant 10 error, any idea how to resolve.