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Comparison of services in different environments - Dynatrace Managed


We have two environments (PROD and Q&A), is it possible to make automatic comparisons of services between environments?



@Hector H. This feature is not readily available. But I do have a work around for you. You could create a Prod Dashboard with the data surrounding specified services, like graphs with Failure rates, Response time etc... and clone that dash board to your other environment NonProd. This way you will have two dashboards that are similar but showing the data respectively in each environment.

Dynatrace is working on getting that information imported into dashboards so you can see tiles containing metrics across tenets. Keep an eye out for that feature as we start out in the new year! I feel that this functionality would best solve your request as you could have an Admin page that Displays service data for Prod in one tile and right next to it have the same metrics but for NonProd, all within the same dashboard, side by side.

Let me know if you have any other questions!


Thanks so much Chad.

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