The Dynatrace Managed roadmap outlines product enhancements and selected innovations that we plan.
If you have a use case that is not supported by Dynatrace Managed, suggest a product idea and add the label "dynatrace managed". For Dynatrace employees: Contact us via Slack #help-dt-managed
All elements of the Dynatrace technology support roadmap typically also apply to Dynatrace Managed.
You can find released product enhancements in the Dynatrace Managed release notes.
July 2024
Cluster 1.296:
- Update Dynatrace Managed to a newer version faster
Oct 2024
Cluster 1.302:
- Automatic repair for outages up to 72h in Premium High Availability
Q1 2025
Protect your Python stacks with Dynatrace vulnerability detection
- Python runtime vulnerabilities
- Third-party library vulnerabilities
Observe your Python stacks with Dynatrace infrastructure observability
- Python GC metrics
- Python thread metrics
Q2 2025
- Dynamically change the IP address of a Cluster node
- Change OneAgent communication setting via UI/API between Managed environments
- Calculate percentiles for ingested histograms to detect performance outliers
- Chart OpenTelemetry and Prometheus histograms on Dashboards and Data Explorer
- Customize log monitoring retention and storage limit
- Identify which tagging rule applied a tag to a monitored entity [product idea]
- Better preview of matching entities for tagging and management zones [product idea]
Q3 2025
Distributed tracing for Python stacks
- Web frameworks: Flask, Django, Django REST framework, Tornado, FastAPI, Starlette
- HTTP clients: Requests, urllib3
- Database clients: psycopg2 (PostgreSQL), SQL Alchemy (MySQL), python-oracledb
- Trace context propagation: asyncio, concurrent.futures, threading, subprocess, queue, celery, gevent