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Restore one sigle node in a 3-node managed cluster


Hi Community,

I would like to know how to restore a single node in a 3-node managed cluster. Note: I have automatic backup enabled for the cluster.

In the Dynatrace documentation we can find instructions to restore the whole cluster (, but there are no details about how to restore a single node (or two) nodes of the cluster. In addition, I would like to know if it is possible to restore one node from a snapshot.

Possible scenario --> OS upgrade from RHEL 8.6 to RHEL9.4 in one of the nodes of the cluster. Steps to follow:

  1. Take an snapshot of the node.
  2. The OS upgrade of the node starts and it fails.
  3. Restore from snapshot --> is this possible? if not, what to do?

Many thanks in advance.



Hi Damián,

Restore from snapshot is not supported. Support team told us and here you have another comment about it.

About restoring only one node it not recommended by Dynatrace because restoring less nodes than the original backup you risk losing the cluster configuration


Hope it helps.



Hi Elena,

Thank you for your comments.

What I meant in my post is that, in case only one node (of three) fails, I could restore only that node from snapshot because the other two nodes are still up and running without issues.

In addittion, in case the snapshot is not supported to restore one or more nodes, the restore procedure is based on a full restore of the cluster and I only want to restore one node because the other 2 nodes are already running. Does this mean that if one node fails (of three) I have to restore the whole cluster?

Thank you.


Hi Damián,

> What I meant in my post is that, in case only one node (of three) fails, I could restore only that node from snapshot because the other two nodes are still up and running without issues.

As far as I know it's not supported restoring nodes from snapshot. But I don´t know it would work. I've never tested it to be honest

> In addittion, in case the snapshot is not supported to restore one or more nodes, the restore procedure is based on a full restore of the cluster and I only want to restore one node because the other 2 nodes are already running. Does this mean that if one node fails (of three) I have to restore the whole cluster?

As it's said in the documentation, it seems it's possible restoring less nodes than the original cluster but it's not recommended because you risk losing the cluster configuration.

I hope have clarifying something

Maybe someone can provide a better answer than me.



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