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What do "Other files" contain in detail?


Hello Dynatrace Community,

This is my first question in the community. Thank you in advance for your help.

If I am not mistaken:

Storage in the CMC and their correspondence in /var/opt/dynatrace_managed are as follows:


- Metrics storage = Cassandra
- Elastic storage = Elasticsearch
- Other files = Agents, Logs, Backups, and what else?
- Reserved disk space (Cassandra data compaction) =What is its equivalent in /var/opt/dynatrace_managed?

For Nodekeeper, Installer, and Server, do they also belong to Other Files?

Best Regards,



Thanks for sharing, @PacoPorro . I've seen that in the documentation, but I need to be sure of the correspondence between each file in the CMC storage and the repository in /var/opt/dynatrace_managed, as the network administrator has asked me for those details.

Hi everyone,

I noticed that some of you might have the same question regarding the correspondence between the files in the CMC storage and the repository in /var/opt/dynatrace_managed. Based on what I've gathered:

"Other files" are simply files that aren't related to any of the other data stores but still take up space on the disk. This includes things like log files, backups, or anything outside of Dynatrace.

Here's a more detailed breakdown:

  • Other files: Agents + Logs + Backup + NodeKeeper + Installer + Server

    • Agents: Information and configurations of deployed Dynatrace agents.
    • Logs: Log files for event tracking and troubleshooting.
    • Backups: Data and configuration backups.
    • Nodekeeper: Dynatrace node management files.
    • Installer: Installation and update files.
    • Server: Configuration files and other critical server elements for Dynatrace.

I hope this helps clarify things!

Best regards,




I noticed that the 'Other Files' category is taking up a significant amount of space on my device. Will deleting files from this category have any negative consequences?


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