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New Account Management... with consumption forecast!! And Adoption insights!

DynaMight Pro
DynaMight Pro

I guess this was already available a while ago to internal Dynatracers before, but this is coming as brand new to us Partners, and also Clients, out there without access to internal Dynatrace magic ! :star_struck:


You just have to head over to to check out the new stuff!

It has a lot of great pointers, right after entering the desired account (if you manage several).


The one I loved the most is under License > Overview (on the top menu bar).

Now, instead of having to check out what the consumption has been so far, gathering data, making some calculations to predict how many more licenses (DEMs or DDUs) you will consume to the end of the contract, or how much will you have left, Dynatrace does it for you!

The new graph supports several "Resolutions", like the old ones "Daily" or "Total"... but... also comes with the new "Linear Forecast":


or "Seasonal Forecast":



It even has its own new Documentation page!

The Account Management as a whole has its own page , but also a dedicated section to license management.

There, Dynatrace defines the difference between the due above:

  • Linear forecast – view forecast usage based on linear extrapolation from the last 30 days of usage data (Digital Experience Monitoring and Davis data units only).
  • Seasonal forecast – view total forecast usage based on a seasonal forecast from the last 365d of data (Digital Experience Monitoring and Davis data units only).



Regarding platform adoption, this new Account Management also includes Lens, which gives insights on Adoption and Environments.

Information could be looked at right there as you reach the page:


But you can also create a detailed report, where some of the same info is presented with lots of more granularity:



I think all these new features are great, and empower you to take the most of this amazing platform, while also helping you optimize your delivery to your clients or colleagues that leverage Dynatrace, so that everyone gets their best experience possible! :dynaspin:

All only a click away! 🎉

Since I can't share much more without revealing client data, I deeply encourage you to visit these new pages yourself!! 🔎

Best regards, Pedro Deodato


Great! thanks for sharing @PedroDeodato 

I would love to have something similar for Dynatrace Managed.  I picked up a plugin from the community/hub and I am not done adapting it yet to what I need, not as "Fancy" as what you have for DT SaaS but just the basic stuff: DDU consumption broken down by MZ. Host Units and DEMs are OK.

Thanks. Tibebe


DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Hi @PedroDeodato,

Thanks for sharing, it is a really good tool. I have heard about some offcially prepared ppt reports from the licence usage per customers but it is much more better.


I can see managed tenants also but not all of them... 😞 I have to figure out why. 


Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional


@Mizső  -- I guess there are 2 type of managed: Mine is offline, i.e. Dynatrace has no access of any type to my clusters.

Thanks. Tibebe


DynaMight Leader
DynaMight Leader

Hi @tibebe_m_digafe,

You are right. I guess offline is very rare. In my country there is not offline deployment...(yet) 😉

Best regards,


Dynatrace Community RockStar 2024, Certified Dynatrace Professional

DynaMight Guru
DynaMight Guru

Thanks for sharing this hidden endpoint !

I can see only 20 accounts while from old I can see more accounts.

Is there any way to get the full list with this new and nice endpoint 


dynatrace certificated professional - dynatrace master partner - Matrix Soft Ware Division - Israel

DynaMight Legend
DynaMight Legend

It would be certainly helpful to know how managed instances get into this report. I can't see any managed account in despite my Dynatrace login is having the cluster admin rights in many installations. 

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Same as @Julius_Loman , can't see any of my managed installation, all of them done with same account, tomorrow I will contact support in order to sort it out.

@y_buccellato I was able to add (just) one Managed installation by assigning the Edit billing & account info permission to the group I belong to. And it took about 16 hours to get propagated. Tried that in a different managed installation without further success.

Certified Dynatrace Master | Alanata a.s., Slovakia, Dynatrace Master Partner

Hi Julius, thanks for the heads up. That was actually the solution to me not seeing the info on the web page.

As always you are a step ahead (or manye steps) 🙂



DynaMight Champion
DynaMight Champion

Thank a lot @PedroDeodato 

Adoption follow-up is a key for observability project success ! 

Is it plan to be accessible trought account management api ?


Regards Aurélien.

Observability consultant - Dynatrace Associate/Pro/Services certified

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