12 Oct 2021 04:28 PM - edited 23 Nov 2021 08:49 PM
Sometimes you might encounter issues with RUM injection by OneAgent. This may have different reasons.
Use the dtHealthCheck as the user-agent header in your request to validate the injection. For example:
curl --user-agent "dtHealthCheck" https://your.site -v -o /dev/null
Then check the response headers. It should contain the x-dthealthcheck headers such as:
x-dthealthcheck: OK|0xd75620e4e0330b23
x-dthealthcheck: ALREADY_INJECTED_HEADER_FOUND|0xea94eb939e4beabd
These contain useful information - if the injection was tried and what was the result. In this example, RUM was injected by an application server and also tried on the webserver, but it was already injected.
A lot of RUM injection errors can be diagnosed this way.
If you are still not successful with the RUM JavaScript injection, check:
09 Jan 2023 04:40 PM
Great Pro Tip @Julius_Loman!
26 Feb 2024 09:01 PM
When I have a RUM injection issue, I always follow your checklist and what was shown in https://community.dynatrace.com/t5/Videos/Dynatrace-Tips-amp-Tricks-Episode-2-with-Julius-Loman/m-p/...
Just want to contribute something mind-boggling that happened to me in the last days, as it might happen to others:
Everything seemed to be OK. It was only when I got an HAR of the tests that it was clear to me: the ruxitagentjs being sent was an HTML page, and not Javascript! The request was being intercepted by an ISAPI filter that was rewriting it below the OneAgent level 🤣
So, if it seems to be downloading OK, but it doesn't work, please check if the ruxitagentjs is really the Dynatrace RUM Javascript code...
13 May 2024 08:39 PM
I have tried to interpret what the hex values that end the dtHealthCheck headers are, but no luck. They don't seem to be IDs for Hosts, PGIs, PGs, Services or Applications. Any idea?
13 May 2024 10:08 PM
@AntonioSousa these are code module IDs. I think it's visible if you download the support archive, but I'm not sure how to find them in the UI without DebugUI access.