18 Jul 2023 09:49 AM
Hello Dynatracers,
This post will be helpfull for Managed customers. Given that nowadays with DQL we can empowered this kind of thing.
However it worth to be mentionned , particularly if you are struggling with sensitive application running below PCI DSS compliance environment.
** the tip here : How I can convert to the metric my USQL Funnel , given that it is not allowed to generate "custom metric".
You can create USQL custom metrics like this :
the key is to concatanete the nb of useraction.name with adding filter for appropriate Funnel Step (i.e. Step 3 : ua.name1 + ua.name2 + ua.name3);
Afterward , you can get the more accurate result and you can do your Conversion Rate Step !
For one Tile you get this expression into Data Explorer :
Moreover , thanks to that, you can now apply arithmetic expression on USQL custom metrics 😉
Hope it helps
18 Jul 2023 12:46 PM
Great details. Thx for sharing
18 Jul 2023 01:00 PM
Can be useful. TY for sharing.
18 Jul 2023 01:10 PM
Thank you:)