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Automate Kubernetes observability with Dynatrace

Published on ‎14 Nov 2023 11:02 AM by Community Team

The more distributed things are, the tougher they can be to monitor, especially regarding the health and performance of your Kubernetes environment.

Join this interactive webinar to learn how our approach to infrastructure and application observability gives you and your team the data they need to take control of Kubernetes clusters.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How Dynatrace takes advantage of native Kubernetes standards to deliver the precise data teams need fast.
  • Our fully automated approach to infrastructure and application observability – including Kubernetes control plane, deployments, pods, nodes, and a wide array of cloud-native technologies.
  • The unparalleled flexibility and scale for onboarding teams to gain AI-powered observability.

You’ll even have a chance to ask our experts questions. So, don’t wait; claim your spot today.



- Safia Gourani @safia_habib – Lead Solutions Engineer, Dynatrace


Registration: CLICK HERE

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Thu, Dec 14, 2023 04:00 PM GMT
Thu, Dec 14, 2023 05:00 PM GMT
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Despite being registered, cannot get a link to get to the event...

Hey @mgarciadelacruz ,
so sorry to hear that! Hope the same issue won't happen again in the future, let us know, if the problems will still occur with future webinars.