We have been spending quite some time to figure out why the Apache Commons Connection pool extension measures values for the NumWaiters metric for some Apache Commons pools, but not for other pools (i.e. "no data").
I think our feedback should be somehow reflected in the Dynatrace documentation of this extension, to make sure other customers are aware of this. Because the number of waiting threads (i.e. waiting to get a connector from the pool) is a very interesting metric, to troubleshoot bottlenecks.
It seems that Apache Commons offers 2 different kind of pools, both of which are automatically monitored by the Dynatrace extension:
- Class GenericObjectPool commons-pool2 has a getNumWaiters method: GenericObjectPool (Apache Commons Pool 2.12.0 API)
- Class BasicDataSource from commons-dbcp has NO getNumWaiters method:BasicDataSource (Apache Commons DBCP 2.13.0 API)
Kind regards,