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Entity Framework 2 : Error during python build phase: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement oracle

Frequent Guest

Using Visual Studio Code with Dynatrace extension v2.6.1 and python 3.12

when adding oracle dependency to (install_requires=["dt-extensions-sdk","oracle"]), the project cannot be built due to the above error, even the package existed inside the folder structure. The problem is not there when i add other dependency like requests (for example . install_requires=["dt-extensions-sdk","requests"]).

thank you.



Dynatrace Guru
Dynatrace Guru

I think it used to be called cx_oracle and nowadays the Python library Oracle recommends is oracledb.


Frequent Guest

thank you Mike. there is one thing i forgot to add. everything built and worked as expected with oracle package on local machine. The only issue is when it is time to pack it up, build it and distribute to remote oneagent host, that is when we have to put the oracle dependency in the so that it comes along to the oneagent host. that is the time when we have that issue error.

I don't think "pip install oracle" is the one you're looking for though, I assume you installed another one locally, which is why it works.

Also, make sure that you set additional environments if required to get all compiled code. See info here:


Frequent Guest

i gave up on dynatrace extension on vscode market. I just used python3.10 and dynatrace CLI on terminal. it works for me that way.


thank you Mike for the tips.

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