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Estimating DDU Consumption for Apache Kafka Extension


Hello Dynatrace Community,

I'm currently working on integrating the Apache Kafka extension available at Dynatrace Hub into one of our customer monitoring setup. However, I need to estimate the Data Units (DDUs) consumption for this extension to ensure we stay within our allocated budget.

Could anyone provide guidance or share their experience on how to accurately estimate the DDU consumption for this Kafka extension? Specifically, I'm looking for information on:

  1. The typical factors that influence DDU consumption for this extension.
  2. Any formula or method to calculate the expected DDU usage based on the number of Kafka topics, brokers, and partitions.
  3. Best practices to optimize and manage DDU consumption while using the Kafka extension.

Any insights or examples from your own implementations would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help!


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