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Log Viewer (Classic) Attribute


Hi Community,

We have a question regarding log viewer attributes. We created a custom attribute and ensured that the "Show attribute value in the sidebar" option is enabled. However, for some reason, it does not appear in the sidebar.

Additionally, we noticed that the attribute we want to display is not included in the automatically selected attributes when clicking on a sample log. To address this, we have already created a processing rule to ensure its inclusion, but it still doesn't show up.

Our goal is to filter logs using this attribute, as it would significantly help our team during investigations.

Lastly, we would like to know how to remove the dt.ingest.warnings from the screenshot attached.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.





Hi @AquariusDarius 

If you are not able to see the attribute but you know its name, you can fetch the logs using DQL by turning on the Checkbox "Advanced Mode".

fetch logs 
| filter isNotNull(




Hello Zaid-Bashir,

Thank you for your input. However, the goal of the question is to have the custom attributes displayed on the sidebar to ensure that less technical users can easily query the logs without difficulty. We already suggested the "Advance Mode" with the team.

The main issue is why Dynatrace is not showing the custom attributes we configured for the logs, even though we have already enabled them to appear on the sidebar. Additionally, we are facing an issue with Dynatrace automatically selecting attributes in the Log Viewer, despite having set up log processing rules to include the specific attributes we want.

I hope this clarifies the situation. Thank you!


Hi @AquariusDarius,
Try adding the attribute to the custom attribute.



Hi Priyansha,

Yes, that's what we did. The problem is it is not showing in the log viewer sidebar.

Thank you.

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