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Monitoring LiquiBase Process


My company is in the process of migrating to LiquiBase for our Database related SDLC and was wondering if anyone has had experience we how best to pull this off. 

So far we are thinking of doing either or both

  • Logs to Metrics
  • SDLC Events

Any recommendation would be greatly appreciated. 


Logs ref:

SDLC ref:



Hello @jeffscelza76 

Thanks for raising such important concern, so:

  • It depends on the current deployment model of Dynatrace.
  • If you're using SaaS, you can best utilization of SaaS built-in platform capabilities as Grail, app engine, automation engine .... log processing .. so on and so forth.
  • If you're currently using managed, log ingestions into Dynatrace would be a good practice either deployed OA or the pipeline / Opentelemetry.
  • Dynatrace supports both of the raised inquiries, so you can make best utilization of Dynatrace capabilities based on the deployment model.



Thanks for the feedback. We recently moved to SaaS which does give us more flexibility The plan, once the data is in Dynatrace, is to leverage the internal capabilities of Dynatrace (i.e. Grails and DQL).

What I was wondering was if anyone has experience with how best to ingest the data. Liquibase does have some basic logging suggestions, but having events, metric and traces could really improve our tracking of these pipelines and jobs.  Along with logs, we are going to experiment with using the SDLC Events so we could do release validation and tracking of these changes within Dynatrace.  I post some more information once we try out different options. 

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